Sunday, January 16, 2011

A new view

Week 2 (Preparing for a Triathalon in April)

So I decided to skim back over my last entry and the first thing I thought was "wow Karen, that was reaaaallllllllly inspiring... (sarcasm). Eh, well what can I say, the first week is always the hardest, especially when you're trying to accomplish big goals. However I am so glad I got through it and now things are much better.

I started biking this week. I hadn't been on a bike in over 4 years and I didn't expect the experience that followed. It was a whole different kind of feeling that sits right in your thighs and pretty much no-where else. I won't lie, it hurt, but I'm getting used to it and I'm already biking 4 miles each time I go.

I've come up with a solution for not having a swimming pool nearby. Biking and running builds my lower body strength and my endurance so I just need to build my upper body strength to be prepared for the 500 meter swim. I'm planning on starting arm aerobics and upper body conditioning this week with Jillian Michaels home videos. Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Years Resolutions

As many of you already know, I've come up with quite a few ambitious resolutions for the new year and I feel inspired to share my experiences on how I accomplish them. Before I begin, here they are:

1) Do a triathalon on April 30th
2) Plant and harvest a garden
3) Re-learn my beginnners piano class and master it
4) Build an adequate supply of home-canned goods and food storage
5) Read the book of Mormon cover to cover.


I ran every day and there's several things I've learned this week.

1) I am TIRED! Normally exercise gives me more energy but since I'm not used to such a high exercise regimend it wore me out! God knew what he was talking about when he made Sunday the day of rest.

2) I thought my feet were pretty tough. Well, they weren't. I find if I increase the intensity of my work-out enough my feet have to adjust. I didn't think I would get blisters anymore but I got them BAD.

3) Wearing your shoes right is EXTREMELY important. I hate tying my shoes so I did the lazy thing and tied them in such a fashion so I could slip them on and run. Now my big toenails are almost dead. Best way to fix that is to wear my shoes tighter and wear good socks.

4) If I really wanted to, I could run in the heavier weight division of the triathalon right now. HAHAHAHA! I got a big kick out of that. The heavy division is over 150 pounds. I'm sure if I keep training I will break under that but for now, I thought it was pretty funny.

5) My running time STINKS!!! I don't know why, but I am having the hardest time running 3 miles in 30 minutes. I'm not even close. It doesn't even make sense to me. When I was a teen, I could run 3 miles in under 30 minutes without even trying or practicing! I know I have several factors working against me. The biggest one is I had kids. They malled over my body and I just don't get quite as good a pick-me-up anymore. Although I finally decided not to let this running time thing get to me anymore. I don't time myself anymore and it's quite a relief. I have to tell myself that I'm not competing against anyone and I just want to finish my triathalon respectably (without stopping). Besides, it's not for almost another 4 months. What am I so worried about???

6) There is NOWHERE to swim! The nearest possible place is the Y, which is a 20 minute drive away and they currently only have a wading pool. It is possible to train up in it, but it would be a pain! They're lap pool doesn't open until March 1st. Still looking for more options.

Overall I'm having a few set-backs but I feel I'm off to a good start.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

New Projects

I figure now is a good time to blog since Brett is at school and both boys hit the sack by 7:45. The boys going to bed early when Brett is gone is amazing!!!

I'm so excited for Halloween! I think I love it more now then I did when I was a child because I get to enjoy it through my own kids! I get to make their costumes, take them trick or treating amongst friends and I get to steal some of their candy...muwahahaha! Brett and I get to dress up too, but I haven't figured out what we're going to be yet. Alex is going to be Robin and we're planning on dressing up Kirk as Wolverine from the live action movies. He'll look a lot like a biker too since Hugh Jackman's outfits looked like that and we've grown out his hair to style just like wolverine's. Oh yeah! I've already got the jacket coming in the mail and I'm going to put the details on it with fabric paint and a little improv sewing. Hopefully I won't destroy it lol. If I do, we're getting him a batman costume since Alex is Robin.

So I know I'm totally being a copycat by doing this but I don't care! I watched the movie Julie and Julia and was totally inspired to buy Julia Child's first cookbook "Mastering the Art of French Cooking". The food in the movie looked absolutely amazing and I just couldn't resist. The de-boned and stuffed duck looked absolutely amazing! Our family will probably do thanksgiving here this year so that's what I want to cook. Perhaps I will share with some friends... maybe... :)

So I actually did Visiting Teaching last month. YAY! Well, maybe I didn't actually go and visit all the sisters, but I did at least send a card and the message for the month, although I did attempt to visit them. I felt very accomplished in that department last month. I don't know why, but I've had MAJOR issues with doing it since I've been married and living in South Carolina. I'm not really sure why. I don't have any difficulties with any other callings in the church, except that one, which is really sad because it's one of the most important ones you could do. I felt totally inspired by our ward V.T. meeting and the Relief Society broadcast. Those meetings were amazing!

Did I also mention how amazing General Conference was? I felt that the speakers truly took us back to the basic principles of the gospel. Not that they don't always do that, but I felt that they especially did that this past conference. I heard topics like be a good example, the gift of the holy ghost, showing Christ love by obedience, having good self-esteem, serve one-another, and so on. We truly need to solidify the basic truths of the gospel in our lives, for digging deeper can be fruitless if we don't have a deep understanding of basic doctrine.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Life is good.

The past couple of months have been so busy, but very fulfilling. In early August I took a trip to Colorado Springs to visit a close friend and attend her wedding. It was such a fun experience to see her and get to know her family. I had such a wonderful time with the family and I hope I get the pleasure of seeing them again in the future. The wedding was beautiful and it was such a privilege to take part in so many of the wedding preparations. I'm so glad to have a friend like Emily. She's like a sister to me. Usually your lucky to keep just 2 close friends like that throughout your life. She is one of them. It was suspected that Alex came down with Meningitis while I was gone but he came though just fine and is thriving these days.

We are REALLY looking forward to the holidays already! They can't get here fast enough! We've been working so hard! Brett is teaching two sections now instead of one and still has night classes twice a week (on top of his church calling and night duties for the military). He's been thinking about the holidays since late August lol. Right now Kirk goes to pre-school that is sponsored by a friend who lives in the neighborhood. She does an amazing job and Kirk is really warming up to it. We're hoping it helps him interact with kids more and appreciate learning about new things. New things scare him sometimes.

I'm still serving in the primary presidency and I'm loving every minute of it (well, almost every minute lol). We just had our sacrament presentation today and the children did such a wonderful job!!! They were well behaved and sang so beautifully! I'm so proud to be serving with them. They teach me how to be a more patient and better person every week. I've also greatly immersed myself into card-making recently. I make many of the invitations for primary events and recently I just made birthday cards for my siblings (which will be sent soon). I think this is something I'm going to continue doing. I never realized that doing a craft could make such a great outlet in my life! I've also started running again, just a couple miles every morning. It feels good to get out and watch the sun rise.

Our family has been greatly blessed to be able to visit Grandma and Grandpa Mattison for Christmas this year (Brett's grandparents). In my recent trip to Colorado the flight attendants really messed up my flight itinerary and re-booked me on a flight that was already full, so not only did they re-book me immediately, they re-imbursed my ticket for much more then it was worth in a flight voucher. My trip didn't cost me a thing and we got a lot of additional money in our voucher. We are using that voucher to pay for our trip this Christmas. What a blessing that was! We're so excited to see them, especially since we couldn't go see them in October.

Alex turned one in August and is on the verge of walking very soon! It is quite the task keeping up with two little boys!! I'm finding I have to baby-proof the house in ways I didn't before when I only had one! They are so wonderful, but they sure do keep me on my toes, especially when grocery shopping!

Best wishes to you all!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

family update

I'll try to make an effort to post more often. Someday I'll spruce up my blog page too.

For starters we moved out of our house on Navy base housing, but we're still in the same area. We're pretty much settled and we're loving our new house. We've planted two raised beds, two blueberry bushes and several rose bushes (we weren't allowed to do that on base). We're so excited and Brett is taking pictures every day of our first roses that have bloomed. They're so beautiful. The kids adjusted much faster than I thought they would. It only took about a week to adjust.

Brett is busy, but doing well. He's teaching two classes now so he works a lot but still manages to come home by 4 or 5. At home we're working on small projects like fixing Kirk's train set, preparing a garage sale, and upkeep our garden. Brett even built a dresser for Alex a while back and we painted it with green frogs.

This may sound funny, but I have difficulty filling up free time. Not that I get a ton of it, but maybe that's part of the reason. I've been like this ever since Kirk was born. A lot of the things I used to do don't transition very well into married life with children. So what have I done, I've turned to crafts....... For those of you who know me, I'm not a crafty person. I love to sing, dance, read, play sports, just about anything else but crafts!!! However they are growing on me. I've taken on crocheting. It takes a LOT of patience to get good at, but I'm taking baby steps lol. I'm hoping to get a piano later this year, but we have a lot of money to save in order to get a decent one. I suppose that I'm an impatient person because crafts take a LOT of patience haha. Brett tells me to keep going at it because I could use a little more patience lol! (what an understatement).

Kirk is almost 2 now and is getting so smart every day. Out of nowhere he did a summersault about a week ago. He loves doing anything active in lots of open space. He's such a joy in our home, although he can be pretty stubborn. He refuses to eat most foods unless we buckle him in a booster seat at meal time until he eats. That is definitely his mommy manifested in him for sure!

Alex is almost 8 monts old and is such a sweet spirit and very relaxed. So relaxed that he didn't roll over till 6 months and hasn't done it since. That's ok, he loves his Johnny Jump Up. I was so excited! Kirk couldn't stand the silly thing. Every kid is so different. Alex already says Mama and Dada and Baba for ball and balloon. He's definitely going to be a talker.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The holidays

Thanksgiving was wonderful! We went to a friends house and they must of had about 20 people over, not including the children. It gave me the opportunity to reflect on the things I'm greatful for and I can't even begin to cover the things I'm greatful for. My family, the gospel, my health, a home, food, friends, good neighbors, the military (and the benefits lol), my calling, the list goes on and on.

Brett and I are traveling to Utah with the boys for christmas this year. My brother Daniel is getting married on the 22nd and ALL of Brett's family is going to be at grandma's house near the Salt Lake area. He's so excited that he can hardly stand the wait! I'm so greatful that we get to go see everyone. It's been a long time since he's seen a lot of his family. I'm also so excited that Daniel is getting married!!!! I already know his fiance Sharon is fabulous and I can't wait to meet her! We're leaving this saturday (19th).

As for what is currently going on, Brett has OOD tonight. What does the abbreviation stand for you ask, well I'm not really sure. Although what it means is he's working 24 hours straight and I won't see him until tomorrow around lunch time so I'm trying to find things to do to pass the time. I have retreated to the kitchen with Alex and shut the door and although Kirk doesn't like that very much I am getting as much out of this as possible lol.

Uh oh Alex is crying, audios!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Getting Started

Life is crazy, but I suppose that's to be expected when your hubby works in the military and you have two little boys under the age of 2. Let me just say that I love being a mommy!! It's such a fulfilling roll. I never thought I would be this immersed into it this early in life but I'm so glad things are the way they are now. My life has COMPLETELY changed and I've learned so much from all the changes. I feel so much stronger! I'm so greatful for my new family and I love them so very much!

Kirk at this point in time is 18 months old and is soooo active! He certainly has a mind of his own. He loves his little brother to pieces, but tends to get a little jealous sometimes. Alex is 3 months old and is such an easy baby! He's typically in bed by 8, wakes up at 6:30 to eat and sleeps again until 8. He only cries when he really needs something, otherwise he's fine. He really puts up with Kirks horseplay really well, what a trooper! Brett is the most amazing hubby ever! He never complains with helping out at home. He currently works as an instructor for the Nuclear Power School here in the Charleston area for the navy. What a brainiac! I know he's an amazing teacher (even though he doubts himself way too much).

I am so blessed with a fabulous ward! The people here are so willing and helpful. The bishop and his wife are amazing people as well as the rest of the bishopric and the people I serve with. I currently serve as Second Counsellor in the Primary Presidency and it is quite the experience! I love working with the children; I've learned so much about being responsible and being a better teacher. Primary children are so precious!!

The only downside to my new married life is how much I miss everyone! I miss my family sooo much. I feel so distant from everyone. It's like half of the family went out west and the other half stayed in MD while little old me moved away south with my hubby. Sometimes I feel so disconnected with the rest of the family because they're all so far away and I can't go to see them unless we plan it. I miss the friends I left behind in MD/DE and in Idaho. Please know that I love you all and I think of you often. I hope someday I can be closer to some of you so we can visit more often!