Sunday, September 26, 2010

Life is good.

The past couple of months have been so busy, but very fulfilling. In early August I took a trip to Colorado Springs to visit a close friend and attend her wedding. It was such a fun experience to see her and get to know her family. I had such a wonderful time with the family and I hope I get the pleasure of seeing them again in the future. The wedding was beautiful and it was such a privilege to take part in so many of the wedding preparations. I'm so glad to have a friend like Emily. She's like a sister to me. Usually your lucky to keep just 2 close friends like that throughout your life. She is one of them. It was suspected that Alex came down with Meningitis while I was gone but he came though just fine and is thriving these days.

We are REALLY looking forward to the holidays already! They can't get here fast enough! We've been working so hard! Brett is teaching two sections now instead of one and still has night classes twice a week (on top of his church calling and night duties for the military). He's been thinking about the holidays since late August lol. Right now Kirk goes to pre-school that is sponsored by a friend who lives in the neighborhood. She does an amazing job and Kirk is really warming up to it. We're hoping it helps him interact with kids more and appreciate learning about new things. New things scare him sometimes.

I'm still serving in the primary presidency and I'm loving every minute of it (well, almost every minute lol). We just had our sacrament presentation today and the children did such a wonderful job!!! They were well behaved and sang so beautifully! I'm so proud to be serving with them. They teach me how to be a more patient and better person every week. I've also greatly immersed myself into card-making recently. I make many of the invitations for primary events and recently I just made birthday cards for my siblings (which will be sent soon). I think this is something I'm going to continue doing. I never realized that doing a craft could make such a great outlet in my life! I've also started running again, just a couple miles every morning. It feels good to get out and watch the sun rise.

Our family has been greatly blessed to be able to visit Grandma and Grandpa Mattison for Christmas this year (Brett's grandparents). In my recent trip to Colorado the flight attendants really messed up my flight itinerary and re-booked me on a flight that was already full, so not only did they re-book me immediately, they re-imbursed my ticket for much more then it was worth in a flight voucher. My trip didn't cost me a thing and we got a lot of additional money in our voucher. We are using that voucher to pay for our trip this Christmas. What a blessing that was! We're so excited to see them, especially since we couldn't go see them in October.

Alex turned one in August and is on the verge of walking very soon! It is quite the task keeping up with two little boys!! I'm finding I have to baby-proof the house in ways I didn't before when I only had one! They are so wonderful, but they sure do keep me on my toes, especially when grocery shopping!

Best wishes to you all!